julho 01, 2008

Rocks, Waves e Peat, a nova gama da Bruichladdich - Islay single malt whisky

A destilaria de Bruichladdich acaba de lançar, as novas versões da sua gama multi-vintage de single malt scotch whisky:

- Rocks
- Waves
- Peat
Para cada uma destas versões, editadas por Jim McEwan, foram escolhidos single malt da Bruichladdich, de vários anos, diferentes cascos e diferentes caracteres.

O conceito foi inspirado no Champagne Remi Krug: “With a single vintage, it is God who decides on the quality. But with a multi-vintage, I am God.”
Os novos multi-vintage, foram concebidos para apresentar a globalidade do estilo e sabor dos single malt da Bruichladdich.

Segundo Mark Reynier, estes whiskies posicionam-se da seguinte maneira:

Rocks:“Rocks is the classic aperitif cuvée - minimal peat, so deliciously fresh and fruity - with a surprisingly sophisticated flavour profile thanks to the French oak cask influences.”

Waves: “Waves is mildly peaty at around 15ppm, beguilingly elegant with oodles of Bruichladdich finesse and fruit. A real anytime of day dram.”

Peat: “Peat does what it says on the tin. It replaces the 3D range, has been toned down a bit with an average peatiness of around 35ppm. Plenty of peat but with out the medicine.”

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